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Photo of Alicia Norma Anselmi Argentina

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Alicia N. Anselmi - Plastic Artist

Rosario - Argentina - Tel: 54-341-4545357 - Cell: 54 - 341 to 155 099 111

Buenos Aires - Argentina - Tel: 54-11 - 59174766

Montevideo - Uruguay, Tel: 598 -2-9090016 - Mobile: 598-94 6331 03

E-mail: anselmialicia@hotmail.com

National Drawing Professor - Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Rosario - Argentina - 1974.

Assistant lecturer in painting at...

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15.75 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
31.50 x 39.37 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
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Alicia N. Anselmi - Plastic Artist

Rosario - Argentina - Tel: 54-341-4545357 - Cell: 54 - 341 to 155 099 111

Buenos Aires - Argentina - Tel: 54-11 - 59174766

Montevideo - Uruguay, Tel: 598 -2-9090016 - Mobile: 598-94 6331 03

E-mail: anselmialicia@hotmail.com

National Drawing Professor - Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Rosario - Argentina - 1974.

Assistant lecturer in painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, UNR - Rosario - Argentina

Special teacher in primary and secondary schools of Rosario and San Lorenzo, Argentina.

Director of Institute Workshop "Arts" of the city of Rosario, Argentina.

New Artistic Teaching Plenty of Rosario, Argentina in crafts and decorative painting and easel.

Demonstrations of painting with technique step by step, in microscopic television channels cable television in the city of Rosario, Argentina.

Demonstrations of painting on glass with holiday themes in the Foundation of Decorative Painting Argentina in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Decorative painting demonstrations in the 2nd. Argentina Decorative Painting Convention held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Seminars-month cycles on realistic and impressionist paintings, Rosario, Argentina.

Magazine Publications Foundation of Decorative Painting Argentina.

Publications in the journal Arts and Crafts, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Publication in paint pictures, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Participation in the 1st. Art Agenda, Arts and Crafts Editorial, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Jury participation as the 5 th Convention of Painting and Decorative Arts of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Participation as a teacher in the 6 th Convention of Painting and Decorative Arts of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.


. Municipal halls of the cities of Santa Teresa, San Jorge, San Lorenzo and Rosario, Argentina. 1984-1990.

. Painting at the Museum of Fine Arts JB Castagnino, Rosario, Argentina. 1990.

. Naif Painting at the Alliance Francaise, Rosario, Argentina.1995

. 1st. Ceramics Exhibition, held by the Ceramic SalónSantafecino, Rosario, Argentina. 1996.

. The "Atelier de Arte" with their students, Christian Mutual Help Family of Rosario, Argentina. 1995 to 2006.

. 2nd. National Meeting of Realistic Painters, Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2001

. 1st. Art Fair Provinces, Museum Mint, San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. On behalf of the Province of Santa Fe 2001.

. 1st. Regional Salon of Painting 2001, "Painting Rosario" Patio de la Madera, Rosario, Argentina. 2001.

. 10th. National Meeting of Decorative Painters, National Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2002.

. 2nd. Art Fair Provinces, Museum Mint, San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. On behalf of the Province of Santa Fe

. 4th. National Encounter of realist, National Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2003.

. 1st. Art Workshop Meeting, National Library, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2003.

. 2nd. 4th prize. Painting International Convention of Uruguay, Hotel Sheraton, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2003.

. Solo exhibition, Salon Capri, Paysandu, Uruguay. 2003.

. 2nd. Art Workshop Meeting, National Library, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2004.

. Exhibition of works Chamber "Carlos Vaz Ferreira, Department of Culture - MEC, Biblioteca Nacional, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2004.

. Exhibition and Auction, Rotary Club, Ateneo de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2004.

. Exhibition of works, Casa de la Fontaine Minelli Foundation, Friends of Art, Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. 2005.

. 3rd. Art Workshop Meeting, Spanish Club, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2005.

. Exhibition of works, Amigos del Arte, Hotel Holliday Inn, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2005.

. Exhibition of Works, Friends of Art, Club Boxing Palermo, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2005.

. Exhibition of works, Amigos del Arte, Hotel NHColumbia, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2005.

. Exhibition of works by Hotel San Rafael, Punta del Este, Uruguay. January-February 2006.

. Selected Work, shows "The Artist at Amigo 4" Amigos de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006.

. Exhibition of works of Christian Mutual Help Family-Mater Dei Foundation, Rosario, Argentina. 2006.

. Selected Work, shows "24 º Spring Exhibition," Friends of Art, Rosario, Argentina. 2006.

. Selected Works Exhibition "Art Freedom 2007", Friends of the Arts, Board of Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007.

. Exhibition and involvement Selected Works CD-book "Sailing from Buenos Aires to the World", Friends of the Arts, Fragata Libertad - International Circuit 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007.

. Exhibition "33 th International Book Fair - Chambers: V. DF Sarmiento Ocampo A. Bioy Casares, "Amigos de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007.

. Exposure and participation "Latin American Yearbook of Plastic Arts," Art 16, Metropolitan Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007.

. Group exhibition - ADA - café-resto-Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

. Group exhibition "Latin America Memorial Museum - San Pablo - Brasil.2007.

. Virtual Gallery Exhibition - Picasso Net - Buenos Aires - Argentina.Desde 2007.

. Selected Work, shows "25 Hall Spring ", Friends of Art, Rosario, Argentina, 2007.

. Group exhibition "Medical Association-Rosario-Argentina. 2007.

. Selected Works Exhibition "Art Freedom 2008," Stock Exchange, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2008.

. Exhibition Fragata Libertad, Puerto de Buenos Aires, March 2008.

. Solo exhibition at the Mater Dei Foundation. Rosario May 2008.

. Selected Work book Fragata Libertad by seas of east-Circuit 2008.

. "Advertising 2008" Art-Space-Loft Argentina Association of Art Galleries.

. International Exhibition-"Argentine Art of the Third Millennium" - "DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM LEAGUE OF PUNTA DEL ESTE," February 2009.

. Art Exhibition Permanent Exhibition Red AMR, Department of Culture, Medical Association of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, August 2009.

. VER-Group Exhibition Cultural Hall, La Spezia, Montevideo, Uruguay, in September 2009.

. Guest Artist, Shows: OCTOBER IN COLORS, Rosario, Argentina, October 2009.

. Collective Exhibition, Days of Art, Spanish Club, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2009.

. Exposure: Art Gallery, ART MANAGER PUNTA DEL ESTE, La Barra, Punta del Este, Uruguay, January2010.

. Acquired works displayed in private collections in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, USA and Uruguay.

March 2010

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